Internetfunde (7)

💻 | 🍺 Hexenbräu

Erik schreibt einen Dialog zwischen zwei Freundinnen, die in einer Hafenkneipe sitzen. Das Gespräch fängt an mit: „Sag mal, Luisa, weißt du eigentlich, was Hexen mit Bier zu tun haben?“ Ich wusste es nicht. Ein aufschlussreicher Dialog, der mich aber auch aufseufzen lässt, wenn ich in die Gegenwart schaue.

💻 | 🍀 Fortune’s careless aim: The myth that hard work alone creates success

Jim geht der Frage nach, ob ausschließlich harte Arbeit zum Erfolg führen wird und reflektiert sein Leben, indem er durch verschiedene Brillen schaut. Er fordert die Leser:innen auf, während des Textes auch das eigene Leben zu reflektieren. Auch wenn ich erst mit meinem Leben angefangen habe, so kenne auch ich bereits die Antwort: Harte Arbeit reicht nicht aus.

💻 | 👋 Leaving and Waving

27 Jahre lang macht die Fotografin Deanna Dikeman ein Foto, wenn der Besuch bei ihren Eltern zu Ende geht. Sie fährt los und es gibt noch einen letzten Winker. Es ist schön und traurig zugleich, während man sich durch die Serie klickt – wissen wir doch über die Endlichkeit Bescheid. Und auf einmal laufen meine Gedanken los.
Es scheint, dass diese Fotoserie bereits im Dezember ihre Runde machte – ich wurde erst durch Miss Booleana auf sie aufmerksam.

💻 | 🗳 Bundestagswahl 2025: Triff die richtige Wahl für dich!

„War die Bahn einmal wieder zu spät und du hast einen wichtigen Termin verpasst?“, zählt bullion neben einigen anderen Alltagssituation in seinem Aufruf zur Bundestagswahl 2025 auf. Ich erinnere mich an den Tag als ich an der S-Bahn-Station stand und wartete. Zwei Frauen, die sich offenbar nicht kannten, unterhielten sich und waren (ebenso wie ich) genervt von der zu spät kommenden Bahn.
bullion sagt in der Kürze alles was mir durch den Kopf ging (und ein bisschen mehr).
Daher: Schließe ich mich allen an, die sagen „Wähle demokratisch“. Nur „Geh wählen.“ zu sagen, ist aktuell nur noch die Hälfte von dem, was ich sagen will.
Auch wenn ich nicht weiß, wie groß mein Wirkungskreis ist: Lasst uns das angehen. Ich habe auch noch ein bisschen Arbeit vor mir als Vorbereitung auf die Wahl, u.a. den Wahl-O-Mat (und Alternativen wie Real-O-Mat ausprobieren) und mich selbst fragen, was ich eigentlich genau will. Was den Wahl-O-Maten angeht, habe ich gehört, dass es besser ist, Aussagen zu überspringen als sie neutral zu bewerten, da sonst die Auswertung verzerrt wird.

Internet findings (6)

💻|🚝 Die Bahn kommt
Erik tells us a story about Deutsche Bahn, the german railway. Even though it starts with a delay, it doesn't end with one - a shock, I know. In between: a bitter and yet very amusing punchline.

💻|💐 Mutual parasocial relationships
Somewhere I had heard of this term, parasoziale Interaktionen in german / parasocial relationships in english, but that was it. Jim introduced me to this word recently in one of his post. In fact, I don't know if I'm revealing enough of myself to make you feel like we have a parasocial relationship. The (german) Wikipedia article is still open - I'll have a look at it after this post.

💻| 🎶 Steht von Geburt an fest, welche Musik man lieben wird?
Thomas raises the question 'Is it clear from birth which music you will love?' and brings me to the question of whether we can draw other conclusions - such as, if a person listens to music X, then they are so and so? Of course, the world is not that simple. And even if there are no answers, the mind game was fun.

💻 | 🚗 Faszination Autokino
The consequence of this post by Thomas is: I am seriously considering visiting a drive-in cinema at least once.

📱 | 📄 The most beautiful invention of all time
Hannah (@fryrsquared) explains the beauty of A4 paper in her Insta reel (and makes fun about the US paper size system lol). And I'm telling you: I have once again fallen in love with a ‘simple’ sheet of paper. ‘Simple’ - what an understatement.

🎵 | EU TAVA AQUI PENSADO (feat. Ruan Vitor) (Remix)
(YouTube link)
If you're on Instagram (or TikTok, which is probably where it came from), then you might have come across this boy singing a Brazilian song with his wonderful voice. I actually really like the remix and so I had a look at what else the internet has to offer. The boy's name is Ruan Vitor and there's a 4-minute version of the song 👯‍♀️ As particular as I find Brazilian and Portuguese, I'm starting to like it.

🎧 | 👩‍⚕️ Geteiltes Leid
A 4-episode long podcast by Undone, which I listened to quite quickly. The structure made me curious, with a good dose of storytelling and interviews with various people. In between, I couldn't really grasp the message that was between the lines, so to speak. But at the end of the podcast everything comes together and describes the problem quite explicitly. And that's pretty heavy. Here's the description of the podcast from the website (there's also a trailer):

Geteiltes Leid (Shared suffering) tells the story of Leonie, who as a 19-year-old is diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder - triggered by traumatic experiences of which she has no conscious memory. A three-year journey through therapy, catastrophes and conspiracy theories begins. Entangled in the conspiracy: therapists, the media and politics.

Please check in with yourself whether this podcast is okay for you right now.

Internet findings (5)

💻|👩‍💻 Scratch-Kindergeburtstag (Scratch children's birthday party)
The post from ben_ surprisingly took me back to the time when I worked at a primary school for a while and I was checking out STEM for this age group. Scratch, an ‘educational block-based visual programming language for children and adolescents’ (original source is the german version of the Wikipedia entry „Scratch (Programmiersprache)“was part of the outcome. I was very fascinated by this interface between programming and school. Now I've talked a lot about myself, though I just wanted to say: ben_'s enthusiasm in his text about the Scratch-Kindergeburtstag (Scratch children's birthday party) threw me right back into my own enthusiasm.

💻|📹 BeatUp
Via the text Der lange Marsch zu Dir selbst by ben_ I cam across the project BeatUp . This project is about young people from Hamburg producing professional music videos with experts. I have a soft spot for projects and initiatives in which children are allowed to get involved and create something themselves. It's all about self-efficacy. Even if it's not locally relevant for me, I think something like this should be seen!

💻|📷 Best Film Camera Finder – 5-Question Quiz to Reveal Your Options
Even though eventually everyone does their own research before buying an analogue camera: The 5 parameters of the Best Film Camera Finder by Dmitri help to get a rough orientation. Be it at the very beginning, when you first start looking for a camera, or in between, to check whether the chosen camera is among the suggestions. For me it was the latter and the quiz helped me not to forget my priorities for a new camera (*cough*).

💻| 🔌 Netzgeflüster: Es muss mehr über das Energieproblem von Gen AI (KI) gesprochen werden
Since reading Miss Booleana 's text, I always halt shortly when someone tells me in which situations or for which things ChatGPT is used. The questions and tasks for which ChatGPT is used are so insignificant compared to the energy consumption. Before the holidays, I need to read about the energy problem of Gen AI on Miss Booleana's blog.

🎧|🖊 GAG480: Kein Klecks – die Erfindung des Kugelschreibers
After Miss Booleana introduced me to the podcast Geschichten aus der Geschichte (GAG; Stories from History) months ago, I lost there every now and then. Most recently it was the episode about the invention of the ballpoint pen. This is an object I use every day and have never asked myself how it was invented. That's what GAG is good for!

📱|📚 Bookshop Spotlight
It's no longer a secret that I'm quite fond of book places.This includes bookshops, and through the bookshop in my town, I recently came across this Instagram account: Bookshop Spotlight. German bookshops are put in the spotlight and presented there.

💻|📷 Blogventskalender – Tür 1
Lucky us that I this edition of Internet findings is posted in December. Then you still have a few days of the blog advent calendar from blogventskalender by Fotografierenden Lehrerin. Every day she posts a photo that has received a lot of likes on Twitter/X, in ascending order (you can find more details from her in the post for the first door, see above - german though). It might be helpful to mention she likes to take photos using puddles. My favourites so far are Tür 5, Tür 9 and Tür 11.