Internet findings (1)

We've all been there: you found something really good on the internet - so good that you want to shout it out into the world immediately and share it, going along with the spirit of sharing is caring!

This time I'm really doing it! I read something good and thought it must be shared! Not that I'm a big multiplicator 😆 But that is not the requirement anyways. The only requirement is my true desire that more people should see what I have seen!

I thought that I should collect a bit more and had scheduled it for a fortnight. But it didn't really add much more. And that's okay.

The driving force behind this post was:

Blogparade #6: Antifaschistische Politik in die Schule? by the german blog halbtagsblog.

I read the article before the elections for the EU but it feels even more important after the elections. I have often asked myself what performance schools can/should/must do these days. What Jan-Martin Klinge describes here is a large and important part of it. It is the attitude and understanding of what function school can (or should) have as an educational institution and also the verbalization of it that left me nodding my head in agreement.

In general, the blog halbtagsblog is one I enjoy reading. I am particularly grateful for the insights into education and how Jan-Martin Klinge understands and lives education. I am left with great impulses and often also a spark of hope as a person who is not (or no longer) active in education.

Coming to the end, more links to two other posts that were stuck in my mind:

The concept of this format, in the case it gets established, is not necessarily a blog presentation. This time it just turned out that way.