Blogger's life: September + October 2024
It's time again for a post of the kind Blogger’s life and what I've been up to in the last two months with and for my blog.
What has happened
September was ages ago (after all, it has been two moons!). September was an exciting month from a blogging perspective. In a few bullet points, here's what I've been up to:
- Networking and visibility: I had my blog added to Jim Grey's list of analogue photo blogs. I thought about it for a while and then I pulled myself together and did it.
- My About me-page was updated: tadah
- Installed a plugin to get an arrow 'Back to Top'. I use WPFront Scroll Top. So far so good.
- About a post from I came across the Webring – once again the topic networking and visibility. Therefore: Was I interested? Yes! Ten days later, I officially joined the webring. Yay! You can see this in the footer of my blog now. You seem to know my blog already, but what about those of my neighbours (left and right arrows)?
- I have set-up up a rough plan for October as to which posts should be published and I actually implemented it. I'm proud of myself hihi
- The series about Madeira is over. As much as I liked this series, I'm also a bit glad that it's over now. Somehow I didn't want to disturb the series too much with other posts, so I didn't post that much between the Madeira posts. That's probably where the anticipation from the previous bullet point comes from, that some other texts and pictures are already waiting to get published.
What was posted
- Blogger's life: July + August 2024
- 💭 A bit of inception - linking from one blogger's life to another haha
- Reflection in the Allgäu
- 💭 Das erste Mal, dass ich bei einer Linkparty mitgemacht habe.
- A promise is a promise: The girl in the library of Mainz
- Madeira 2024
What has happened
- It was my blog's birthday and I do celebrate every birthday post from other bloggers. So I was very excited to prepare mine. It was actually the first time that I did it with a few weeks in advance.
- For November, too, I have set-up up a rough plan and once again I implemented it. Two in a row 👀