not quite up-to-date

Over the last few weeks, I've discovered some photo blogs that have some very nice photo projects going on. They take and post a new photo once a week. I'm interested in these projects but I'm hesitant because I don't know how I can do my photos justice. On the one hand the analogue photos, on the other hand the new photos that I would like to post promptly.

I have never officially and consciously imposed this on myself but I have started to work through my analogue photo backlog which has already been digitized (there are also many analogue photos that have not yet been digitized; and there are also digital photos...). Many of the photos I post on the blog are therefore not quite up-to-date. Some are up to several years old. For example, when I will finally share my impressions of Japan (which I plan to do), it might already be autumn and the memories would be a year old. I'm really not suitable as a travel blog 🙈.

It bothers me that I'm mainly posting photos that are already a few months or years old and current photos are left out. I wonder if that's one of the reasons why I'm taking so few photos at the moment because I know that the new ones would just get in line.

I have this dilemma: Do I want to stay closer to the present? And therefore put more contemporary photos on the blog. At the same time, I want to show my analogue photos, even if they've been lying around for a while. Both need time. Perhaps the digital photos a little more because first, I have to familiarize myself with photo editing. The lack of a workflow puts me off. Posting both the backlog and current photos might be quite a lot. ... right? Oh, it's about the time, the time again.

What's in the analogue photo backlog? These photos are still waiting to make their grand entrance: Denmark and a short trip to Malmo, Japan, Madeira and Lisbon. I also have a few photos from everyday life, but the ones I'm particularly looking forward to show on the blog are the photos from my travels. One reason could be that I take more photos when I travel (because I have more time?) and these photos are more likely to be assigned with the attribute "worth showing"/"special". I want to change that, but that is another story.

There is no solution yet that I am happy with and that gives me the feeling that I do justice to both worlds - the photos that are still in my (virtual) drawers and the potential new photos. Am I making things unnecessarily complicated for myself? Hmm, possibly.


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2 Replies to “nicht ganz aktuell”

  1. Och … ich finde da gar nichts schlimmes dran, wenn man Fotos, Berichte, Reviews erst eine Weile nach dem eigentlichen „passieren“ teilt. Aber andererseits siehst du ja auch wie weit ich mit Lesen zurückliege 😉


    1. Stimmt 😛 Ich bin auch jetzt noch nicht wirklich zu einer Konklusion gekommen. Das Leben spielt ohnehin wie es will und Dinge und Posts kommen dazwischen, wie sie manchmal Lust haben. Vielleicht finde ich ja meinen Frieden damit… irgendwann.


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