Es war der letzte Morgen unseres Abstechers nach Zentralvietnam bevor es am gleichen Tag wieder zurück in den Norden ging.
Eine Sache, die ich dieses Mal mehr genoss als bei den Besuchen in früheren Jahren, war die vietnamesische Kaffeekultur. Auch wenn ich im Alltag keine Kaffeetrinkerin bin, so kann ich hin und wieder einen Kaffee genießen. Und eine Tasse Kaffee schmeckt einfach ein Stückchen besser, wenn man in einem Café sitzt.
So gingen meine Eltern und ich in dieses Café, eines von einigen in der Gegend. Ich stellte ihnen meine neue vietnamesische Lieblingskaffeevariation vor – den bạc xỉu. Ein Kaffee aus drei Zutaten: gesüßte Kondensmilch, Milch (aufgeschäumt oder auch nicht) und Kaffee (natürlich). Sie hatten noch nie was davon gehört, was mich ein wenig überraschte. Sie probierten ihn und befanden ihn für gut. Zufrieden genoss jeder die eigene Tasse Kaffee, mit Blick auf eine ganz normale vietnamesische Straße.
Kamera + Objektiv: Minolta Dynax 7000i + Minolta AF 50 mm f/1.7 Film: Kodak Portra 400 Development + scan: fotobrell
While I was preparing for my short trip to Malmö in autumn 2022, Malmö City Library popped up quite quickly – for sight seeing. It went straight onto my must-see list.
Stadsbibliotek Malmö from the outside
The outside view of the library from the street I came from showed a lot of bricks and didn't reveal much about the futuristic design of the interior. In fact, the library was divided into two sections.
On the one hand, there was this futuristic, large and bright room with loads of white. An oversized shelf, reminiscent of a Kallax shelf, stood at one side of the room and attracted my attention as soon as I entered the reading room. Every single box was a room with bookshelves inside. Naturally, I went up and walked through the boxes. Another thing that could not be overlooked was the huge glass front with a view of the park. Quite idyllic.
The other area was a little more down-to-earth and was the side I had already seen from the outside. I particularly remember the staircase. I don't have the pictures or words to describe this part. Nevertheless, here's an attempt: The staircase was atrium-like. If you stood in the centre of the lowest floor, a rectangular area, you could look up and see all the way to the roof. Along the way, you can see the individual floors like a ladder. The corridor of each floor circles this atrium in a rectangular shape, with the first bookshelves being against the wall. Along this corridor, next to the bookshelves, there are entrances to the other rooms. The photo is only a cut-out but perhaps it helps to visualise it. Another thing that caught my eye was more brown, more wood. I also noticed and liked the colour highlighting of the book labels, even though they are certainly not a new invention.
And look, the lamp heads on the shelves. I don't know if every shelf had one - but the fact that a few of them did excites me. It puts every single shelf in the spotlight.
Glass front and view on the park
Lamp heads for the shelves
Huge Kallax shelf
Wooden shelves, colourful labels and lamp heads
Atrium-like stairway
I've had these pictures for more than two years and I never really knew how to get them on the blog content-wise. I had ideas, but sometimes there's something that holds you back. While being nostalgic, I wrote my first post about libraries (library tour through Dresden) and by doing so I opened the door. It is nice that I have reached this moment now - especially after my announcement - and show my impressions from Stadsbibliotek Malmö.
Black-white photos Camera + lens: Minolta 9000 AF + Minolta AF 50 mm f/1.4 Film: Kodak T-Max 100 Development + scan: Charlie Engel Lab 2.0
Frankfurt. Starting from the grounds of the Japanese film festival, I was on the way to a restaurant. "Walk instead of taking the metro", I say to myself. I don't know my way around Frankfurt. On good days, all the more reason to walk. On bad days, absolutely the opposite and I would definitely take the metro. So it was a good day.
Not far from the grounds and I am captivated by the sight of this house. This house with its turret wears a beautiful coat of ivy. I position myself on a street corner, exactly where I end up taking this photo. I work on the exposure settings. Through the viewfinder, I see the top window of the turret, covered in ivy, opening. An older man, well-dressed, shows himself and looks out. He looks in my direction and waves. I turn round to the back to see who might be standing behind me and would wave back. To my astonishment, or perhaps shock, I don't see anyone there. He's waving at me. Hicks.
He looks friendly but I'm still embarrassed and feel like I've been caught out. I finally wave back and he stands there for a while. I wonder if he wants me to take a photo of him. He gets lost in this big house and the photo, and I don't really like taking photos of strangers anyways. I wait in a very obvious manner and don't take a photo.
He goes back from the window and closes it. Everything is as before. And I take my photo. With this memory between the grains of film.
Camera + lens: Minolta Dynax 7000i + Minolta AF 50 mm f/1.4 Film: Agfaphoto APX100 Development + scan: ON FILM LAB