Inside and outside, buildings | Sunny 16 #2 (Set 1/6)

Although I’m not sure what it was that I wanted to express with the photos of the windows and whether it should like how it looks now on the pictures (up to 50 % being completely black), I think they convey a certain atmosphere. Especially the one where the handle is in the middle of the picture is nice to me. The contrast catches me.

A few months ago a friend who just entered the world of analogue photography, and I went on a small photography tour. Typography fascinates me and that’s how „Allerlei am Markt“ („Potpourri at the marketplace“) got on my film. Unfortunately the words are not in focus (I’m on my way to fix the root cause) and I am not completely content how I captured the words. 66c doesn’t have a particular meaning to me. It was typography as well which made me shooting this.

And last but not least: Görgesbau. Every building on the campus of TU Dresden has its own name, ending with -bau (building) and actually I had the idea to photograph all buildings, or the their names to be more precise. But so far, this remained an idea only.

Görgesbau was a photographical surprise to me! It was dawning already and I was afraid that it could be too dark already to shoot a proper photo. Nonetheless, I gave it a try – I had a film with ISO 400 in my camera and thought this is not the worst condition to shoot at dawn. When I saw the result, I clapped myself on the back for estimating the light kind of correct. And I don’t have to mention the typography, do I?

Is there a photo which touches you in any way?

Hard facts! Camera: Minolta 9000 AF, Minolta AF 50 mm f/1.4 and Minolta AF Macro 100 mm f/2.8 | Film: Kodak T-MAX 400 | Development & Scan: Fotolabor Görner Dresden