Fotokiosk: Spring in the backyard

Spring in the backyard. Spring in the backyard.


I think magnolias are beautiful. But who doesn't agree? I'm just about to catch the flowering season but actually I'm already too late.

There were no magnolias in our backyard. But spring says Hello in so many different ways. Everything is in bloom, the colours are exploding everywhere you look (and the hay fever is also saying "Hello!"). I once made a note somewhere that black and white pictures often have a melancholy effect. And although the colour is missing, the picture still has something spring-like about it. You can feel the light, the sun, even in black and white. Perhaps all the more because of that.

Camera + lens: Olympus XA2
Film: Agfaphoto APX 100
Developement: self developped
Scan: Charlie Engel Lab 2.0