Internet findings (4)
🍄 Mushroom content at Fraukografie
A photo motif that by that I am astonished every time I see it: Pilze. The little ones becoming really big! I recently saw mushrooms being framed beautifully in two blog posts by Frauke from Fraukografie : Ein paar Bilder … and Auf Pilzsuche.
This reminded me that a few weeks ago I was made aware of Thomas Ruf whose mushroom photos I also admire.
🧵 Pulled threads on lightweight fabrics can definitely test your patience..! 😅
Alexandra, a textile designer and repair specialist, shows in one of her Instagram reels how she pulls back threads, that have become distorted, destroying the pattern of the garment. I do believe her that this is a test of patience. At the same time, I also think: How brilliant is that? I found it relaxing to watch. And I wonder how good it feels to have the thread back in the right place... So if you have such a garment and would like to entrust it to me: I'm open to enquiries!
💻 Ihr WEB.DE Postfach ist inaktiv
Nils writes about digital legacy. A topic that I have dealt with too little (aka not). This is probably a sign to do so.