Madeira 2024 #8 | On film: On the roads of Camacha

When I was in Madeira, the idea of being "on the road at home" had already matured quite a bit. To a certain extent, I had also lived out this idea and way of life in Madeira. How is that supposed to work, you ask? I was in Madeira, far away from home. Yes, that's true. But the expectation on Madeira would be short and long hikes, paths into the green and impressive views of the even more impressive landscape. I rarely got that far during my holiday in Madeira. I didn't want to drive, so I was left with my feet and what I could achieve with them.

And so I went for a walk through the town where our accommodation was located: Camacha.

I turned off the pavement next to the road and took the stairs to paths that led along residential buildings. The midday sun wasn't beating down, but it still cast harsh shadows. I remember four square metres of strelitzia. I would have loved to photograph them. But I didn't know what to do with the light and decided not to take any photos. Maybe I would come back again, at a better time? (Nope.)

Not much happened on these streets. Everyday life of the people in the houses. I see the dog, and hear the TV which was blaring loudly through the open patio door to me outside. I feel my delight at the charming street signs. And I feel happy about the flower in the pot on the wall as I enjoy the view through the gate (note the slope of the path!).

(Click on the image to see it as a whole)


#1: Intro | #2: São Lourenço | #3: A curtain and learning exposure | #4: The blue of Porto Moniz | #5: Cliff | #6: Green hangings | #7: moody mist | #8: On the roads of Camacha | #9: On the roads of Calheta | #10: The house on the big hill | #11: Colourful row of houses in Lisbon | #12: My impression of Madeira and Lisbon

Camera + lens: Minolta Dynax 7000i + Minolta AF 50 mm f/1.4
Film: Kodak Gold 200
Development + scan: ON FILM LAB


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4 Replies to “Madeira 2024 #8 | Auf Film: Auf den Straßen Camachas”

  1. Solch schräge Wege sind schon speziell 😀
    als erstes kommt mir da immer San Francisco in den Sinn, dort sind die Straßen ja auch so heftig schräg.
    Die Schilder sind ja auch niedlich, hach 🙂

    Wünsche dir eine schöne Woche!


    1. Vor allem, wenn man sie nicht nur anschauen, sondern auch begehen (befahren) muss 😆
      In San Francisco war ich noch nicht, aber das klingt ja schon mal nach einer guten Vorbereitung für dann, wenn ich es mal hin schaffe 😁 Lissabon hat aber auch nicht gegeizt mit Schrägen.
      Danke dir und auch dir eine wunderbare Woche 🙂


      1. Ich war auch noch nicht in San Francisco, aber es ist ein Traumziel von mir, hach ja irgendwann.


        1. Ah, das klang so als ob – dann wünsche ich dir sehr, dass du mal in diese Stadt voller Schrägen kommst 🙂


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